Author Archives: Steve Whalen

Workers’ Compensation Payroll Fraud

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Workers’ compensation insurance premium fraud has become a real problem in Florida. Besides being illegal, it affects the bottom lines of all businesses, large or small, and leads to higher insurance premiums for honest businesses. Additionally, it has a negative impact on the state’s rate-making system.  There are three common types of premium fraud –

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Tweet Cyber liability is the risk posed by conducting business over the Internet, over other networks, or using electronic storage technology, including laptops, phones and tablets. Exposures are generally classified as a “first-party” or a “third-party” cyber liability.  A “first-party” cyber liability occurs when your own information is breached.  A “third-party” cyber liability occurs when customer
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Workers’ Compensation Update – American Medical Association Reclassifies “Obesity”

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  The American Medical Association (AMA) has approved a resolution reclassifying obesity as a “Disease state.” This AMA resolution is the equivalent of declaring that almost one third of all Americans suffer from a medical condition that requires treatment.    A recent report conducted by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute (CWCI) attempts to quantify the

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Are You Compliant?

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Total Compliance Solutions has created an intensive process for making sure that your practice or business is accomplishing the necessary functions to maintain good regulatory compliance. We can create a site specific compliance program that covers a wide range of issues like: Corporate Compliance, OSHA and HIPAA/HITECH. Our team of healthcare consultants has built healthcare

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Is Your Physician Profile Updated?

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Florida law requires the Department of Health (DOH) to make Florida-licensed physician profiles available to the public via the Internet. Physicians are required to keep their profiles current. Section 456.042, Florida Statutes, states, “A practitioner must submit updates of required information within 15 days after the final activity that renders such information a fact.” If

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Custom Lunch n’ Learns

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With doctors receiving so much risk management advice, the importance of the communications skills of the office staff has been long overlooked. This presentation stresses the relationship and caring aspects of risk management and relates practical, usable techniques that can be integrated easily into the medical office setting. Would you like Danna-Gracey to visit your
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By Bill Gompers Most experts are predicting healthcare providers’ liability exposure will dramatically increase this year and in the immediate future. Many drivers are contributing to this situation, including the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the conversion of medical record keeping from manual systems to electronic medical records (EMR), and converting from International
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Notice of Workers’ Compensation Exemption Law Change

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The Florida Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law CS/HB 941, which amended Sections 440.02(9) and 440.05, Florida Statutes. Effective July 1, 2013, the law changes to include non-construction limited liability company (LLC) members as employees. LLC members will be included on their Workers’ Compensation insurance policy; however, they may elect to be exempt

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