Author Archives: Steve Whalen

Mental Health in the Workplace

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By Tom Murphy We are reminded almost daily of the consequences of a mentally ill person is being allowed to work in a profession in which they place others at risk, in addition to themselves. Some examples are police, military, aviation, and even school-bus drivers. This sometimes-fatal combination reminds us of the ongoing argument about

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Top Five HIPAA Compliance Issues

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By Tom Murphy The Office of Civil Rights (OCR), a division of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the entity within the federal governments responsible for enforcing HIPAA. This is the storing, accessing and sharing of personal health information (PHI). The OCR has provided a list of the top five HIPAA compliance issues they have

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Liability Trends in the Delivery of Addiction Treatment

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By Tom Murphy Behavioral healthcare, and specifically addiction treatment, is rapidly growing and changing as the United States tries to move away from the failed “war on drugs” to the “demand reduction” model. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act has not only increased the number of insured patients seeking care, it has managed to bring behavioral

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Protecting Your Practice Data from Breaches and Theft

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By Tom Murphy Along with the evolution of electronic health records (EHR) comes the potentially expensive reality of data breaches and theft for all medical practices, both large and small. Many physicians and practice administrators still believe their practice is too small to be a target for hackers. Everything we have seen over the past

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By Bill Gompers Healthcare providers, by the nature of their business, always face liability risks. Although many of these risks can be lessened through implementation of risk-management practices, they can rarely be eliminated. Thus, it is prudent to implement a liability-insurance program that addresses the healthcare provider’s needs and ensures your peace of mind should

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Business Overhead Coverage for Multi-Partner Practices

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By Wes Caldwell What is Business Overhead Expense? Business overhead expense (BOE) disability coverage reimburses the practice for the fixed practice expenses attributable to the disabled physician. The policy is short term in nature with a 60 to 90 day waiting period and a 12 to 24 month benefit period. For the solo practitioner, it

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Is Courteous Communication Part of Your Practice’s Quality Initiatives?

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Med Pro Group Patient Safety & Risk Solutions Are you and those associated with your practice committed to the concept of quality of care? If so, then you already know that communication is the foundation for all of the interactions that promote patient safety, staff cooperation, and business excellence. What steps do you take to
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Informed Refusal: A Review

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The Medical Protective Company Most healthcare providers know that a patient's signature on an informed consent document may not automatically make the consent valid. The same is true of informed refusal. Both of these concepts rely on ethical and legal guidelines that acknowledge the right of competent adults to determine the course of their health
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